
    Special Notes for Job Volunteering

    Hi Gators parents,

    Thank you to those who volunteered for the Time Trial last week. You did a splendid job! 

    Few things to note:

    1. The start time and end time showing on Swimtopia for each job is estimated time. All Shift 1 jobs will start whenever the Meet Director and the Computer Director give a green light. Snack Bar will be opened following Snack Bar Manager's instruction. Clerks will be following the Head Clerk's instruction. We expect parents to arrive for the meet with their swimmers and swimmers are required to arrive at 7 am. All Shift 2 jobs will start right after the half-time break. We won't be able to tell you the exact time so please arrive earlier and standby by the pool.
    2. It is the parent's responsibility to sign up for the job properly and complete the job as you signed-up. Swimtopia allows both parents in a family to sign up for jobs with their individual account. If only one parent can show up for the job, DO NOT double sign up. When both parents sign up, we expect to see two adults to show up. Any NO SHOW will be considered as "missing" which will result with a warning or penalty.
    3. No reminder is coming from anyone, except from yourself. Please find ways to remind yourself of the jobs you have signed up for so you will not forget about it.
    4. We are not allowed to use the PA system to broadcast or make loud noise at Cabana Club early in the morning. If you are Shift 1 timers, recorders and chief timer, please pay attention to the deep side of the pool whether people have started to gather there. Be alert! Ask around if you are not sure what is going on.

    Clerks Needed:

    We are looking for two clerks for aged 5-8 boys and one clerk for aged 11-12 girls. If you are interested, please contact me. Training will be provided. Lastly, if you have not started to sign up for jobs or have not signed up enough jobs, please do so asap. There will be more job options for you to pick if you start early.

    Volunteer Coordinator


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    Hello Team! Just wanted to welcome you all back to the Gators swim team! We are looking forward to another good season.

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